Prof. Bayram delivers the Northwestern University ECE Distinguished Seminar

Prof. Bayram delivered the Northwestern University ECE Distinguished Seminar titled “(Ultra)Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Revolution” on Nov. 21, 2023. Thank you, the Wildcats, for the love of semiconductors.—The 21st century is the age of semiconductors. In all aspects of modern life, we utilize semiconductor technologies. From lighting to communication and computing to transportation, we rely on semiconductors […]

Prof. Bayram recognized as the Intel Alumni Endowed Faculty Scholar

Prof. Bayram is honored to be recognized as the Intel Alumni Endowed Faculty Scholar in the ECE Illinois. Many thanks to University of Illinois faculty research and the talents of its alumni contributing to the success of one of the country’s leading high-tech companies, Intel. With the stipend, ICORLAB will be able to further its […]

Higher Educational Initiative in Semiconductors (HIVE) funded by INTEL

Higher Educational Initiative in Semiconductors (HIVE), led by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and co-led by Stanford University and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT), will prepare a diverse, next-generation workforce via experiential learning (online and hands-on) for the US semiconductor industry and microelectronics industry to help maintain its technological leadership. The HIVE is founded […]

Open Boundary Quantum LED Simulator is now available

Open Boundary Quantum LED Simulator (OBQ-LEDsim) is the next-generation self-consistent quantum-corrected drift-diffusion simulator that eliminates artificial boundaries between quantum wells and classical continuum. It Eliminates the discontinuities of carrier concentrations caused by the artificial boundary conditions, Numerically captures the wavefunction penetration into barriers and other regions, Models the recombination rates outside active regions with higher […]