Our group has immediate openings in three areas: (1) photonics, (2) high-speed electronics, and (3) power electronics with a focus on AlGaInN and Diamond (ultra)wide bandgap semiconductors. Please contact Prof. Can Bayram directly via email (and should attach their CV and unofficial UG/GRAD transcripts) to inquire about the position/project openings.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Our group invites highly motivated undergraduates, currently enrolled at our University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to join our research team. Particularly, students who wish to have experience in semiconductor devices and who are passionate about creating next generation photonic and micro/nano-electronic devices are welcomed. Please contact Prof. Can Bayram directly via email (and should attach their CV and unofficial UG/GRAD transcripts) to inquire about the position/project openings.
Postdoctoral Research Opportunities
OUTSTANDING candidates with extensive experience in MOCVD GROWTH and/or SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE FABRICATION expertise in a CLEANROOM environment are welcome. We also encourage SELF-, GOVERMENT- and COMPANY-funded candidates to apply. Please contact Prof. Can Bayram directly via email (and should attach their CV and unofficial UG/GRAD transcripts) to inquire about the position/project openings.